
Lean Simulation

We can teach a team of 8 to 12 personnel from your organisation what Lean is all about in around 6 hours.  The Participants will set up a factory to manufacture Lego aircraft with a target of completing 8 units in 15 minutes.  This fun Lean Simulation is designed to teach the participants about:

  • Constraint Management
  • The importance of knowing Task Times
  • How to accurately calculate Manning Levels
  • Load levelling
  • Set up a simple 2 bin kanban system
  • Learn about SIM - Short Interval Management

The training is held at your site to reduce time away from work for productive personnel.  Price includes all workbooks and supporting materials, and assumes delivery within 100 km of 4558 Qld.  Sorry, you don't get to keep the aeroplanes.

Price : $1500.00
