II-AU Origins
Founded by a formally qualified and practising Manufacturing Systems Engineer, Incremental Improvements Australia Pty Ltd (II-AU) was established in 2009 with the mission to optimise manufacturing processes and systems, leading to significant growth and stability for our clients. The founder’s extensive background and passion for the field drive our commitment to excellence.
The existence of the Organisation was prompted into reality by the wise words of a few trusted Industry Specialists who identified a need for this type of service to become more widely available. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineers were and are still few in number in Australia compared to other Industrialised nations.
So Incremental Improvements Australia Pty Ltd began to help organisations become more profitable using the same or less resources. Initially we had contracts to provide third party services via other Organisations (for example, QMI, TAFE Queensland). Our service delivery now however is more direct and fee for service.
We have been running successfully for over 15 years now. While competitors come and go, we practice what we preach and we are in it for the long haul. Being formally skilled and qualified in the field we operate in is, we feel, part of the reason for our long term ongoing success.
There is consistent demand for our services and we are constantly working on ways to spread our support to more Clients using the same amount of resources available to us. If you wish to improve productivity, efficiency and the profitability of your Organisation using the same or proportionally less resources, then give us a call on 1300 00 IIAU (4428).